History Commons Groups

July 30, 2012

Pushing the information envelope

Filed under: community — Max @ 12:37 am

We are not only trying to raise enough money to upgrade our UX/app, we’re also trying to bring aboard volunteer writers and researchers who want to collaborate with HC to expand coverage of a number of issues.

This is a new topic listing with ideas for new projects, sub-projects, and categories.

Some of the subjects I can think of that we’d really love to cover include:

  • climate change and global warming
  • the US, EU, and other economies, and their interrelationships
  • the struggle for LGBTQ rights
  • the ongoing war in Afghanistan
  • the US elections (2012 and before)
  • any number of environmental issues

And some of our best projects came from suggestions and work done by first-time contributors. Got an idea that’s not on the list or on the linked page? Let us know, either by email — hc AT historycommons DOT org — or in a comment on this post.

Collaborate with us to expand and enhance our information flow.

July 24, 2012

Communication breakdown…

Filed under: community — Max @ 12:36 pm

Communication breakdown, it’s always the same,
I’m having a nervous breakdown, drive me insane!

Right now our normal email is not functional. It’s a server problem and is being addressed.

Until it’s fixed, you can contact us through our Facebook page, our Twitter feed, or by commenting on this blog. Thanks!

UPDATE: It’s back up and running. Woo hoo! Unfortunately, the JS on the contact page is STILL down, so you can contact us via email at hc AT historycommons DOT org .

July 23, 2012

Lots of New Material Being Posted…

on the Day of 9/11, the Obama administration’s indefinite detention policies, campaign finance, and domestic terrorism (rhetorical) from Westboro Baptist Church. More on all of these topics, and more besides, is in the works and will make their appearance in upcoming days.

We were not chosen for the Knight grant, and even if we had been, any awarded funding would have not come through for months or even longer. We need your help to raise sufficient funds to keep the information flowing, and expand our coverage. We need your financial support to keep moving forward, and your time, expertise, and energy to continue (and expand!) our content.

For those of you who have already contributed in either or both ways, thank you so much.

We have so many great ideas to make HC even better than it is. We need your help to put these ideas into action!

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