History Commons Groups

August 22, 2009

FBI Document Shows Cole Bombers Called Yemen Hub

One of the more interesting things I have found going through the 9/11 Commission files is this extract, taken from an FBI summary of its investigation into the 9/11 attacks:

UBL can be directly connected to the attack on the USS Cole in October 12, 2000 (ADENBOM 265A-NY-277013). The 200578 telephone number which was originally identified as significant through the KENBOM/TANBOM investigation was also used during the planning of the attack on USS Cole. FBI investigators have learned the 200578 telephone number is subscribed to by AHMED AL-HADDA, whose daughter is married to KHALID AL-MIHDHAR (Flight 77). The ADENBOM investigation has also linked ALMIHDHAR to both NAWAF AL-HAZMI (Flight 77) and KHALLAD, now identified as TAWFIQ MOHAMED BIN SALEH BIN ROSHAYED BIN ATTASH.

There have already been several media reports to this effect and they were listed in the relevant timeline entry. The Cole bombers calls to this number were also mentioned in testimony before the 9/11 Commission by former FBI Director Louis Freeh, as I pointed out last December. I still think the primary issues here are the same as I put them last year:

As outlined in the Yemen Hub category, the number was under heavy surveillance by the US. It was al-Qaeda’s operations centre and had been integral in the embassy bombings, when it received calls from both the bombers in Africa and bin Laden in Afghanistan. Intercepts of the calls enabled the FBI to map al-Qaeda’s global network (except the 9/11 hijackers in the US, whose location the NSA failed to communicate). According to a US investigator, the hub number was used by the bombers to “put everything together” before the Cole bombing.

There are two simple questions: If the NSA was listening in on the bombers putting everything together before the Cole attack, why was it not prevented? Second, why was the hub not shut down after the Cole attack? The policy of allowing the hub to operate to map al-Qaeda was proved to be a failure by the Cole bombing, as no amount of intelligence was worth the lives of the dead sailors, so the people who ran the hub should have been arrested, as were some of the other Cole bombers in Yemen, like Fahad al-Quso.


  1. […] FBI Document Shows Cole Bombers Called Yemen Hub […]

    Pingback by 9/11 Commission Documents Masterlist « History Commons Groups — November 28, 2009 @ 2:45 am | Reply

  2. […] such heavy surveillance that there was a satellite dedicated to recording visitors to the house. HCG: As outlined in the Yemen Hub category, the number was under heavy surveillance by the US. It was […]

    Pingback by “C.I.A. Is Disputed on Civilian Toll in Drone Strikes” | FavStocks — August 13, 2011 @ 4:36 am | Reply

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